Quick start

Getting Started

If you haven’t already, check out the Introduction to learn more about Obelisk Engine before beginning.

In this tutorial you will create your first Obelisk project and gain an understanding of its structure. We will also explore Obelisk’s built in dev tools.

Before we begin let’s make sure your local environment is setup with the proper prerequisites.


  1. git (download (opens in a new tab))
  2. node.js (v18+) (download (opens in a new tab))
  3. pnpm (after installing node: npm install --global pnpm)

If you are using Windows:

Windows steps

  1. install git bash (
  2. install nodejs, including “native modules” ( (re native modules: just keep the checkmark, it’s enabled by default in the installer)

Project setup

To start off let’s create your Obelisk project from a template by running the following pnpm command.

pnpm create obelisk-world my-project

At this point you will see the option of choosing a template—as of writing the two options are nextjs, cocos. For the sake of this tutorial any of them works, but examples from the nextjs template will be used here.

After selecting your template you can run the app by switching into the project directory (cd my-project) and starting the development server.

pnpm run dev