

In the obelisk engine, an entity constructed by move is composed of a set of structures with different types of capabilities

 module eps::entity {
    use sui::bag::Bag;
    use sui::bag;
    use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
    struct Entity has store  {
        schemas: Bag
    public fun create_entity(ctx: &mut TxContext):Entity{
            schemas: bag::new(ctx)
    public fun get_schemas(entity: &mut Entity): &mut Bag {
        &mut entity.schemas
    public fun get_schema<T: store>(entity: &mut Entity,schema_id:u64): &mut T {
        bag::borrow_mut<u64,T>(&mut entity.schemas,schema_id)

In the entity source file, you can create an empty entity by loading the file and using the create_entity method, or you can get any schema or collection of schemas attached to the entity by using the get related method.